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Terms and Conditions – High Oaks Grange

Effective 19 February 2024 11.00am. If you were booked prior to this and want to see the previous Terms and Conditions, please visit the T&Cs archive.

By making a booking, you have entered into a contract between High Oaks Grange Ltd (referred to as “High Oaks Grange, We or Us”) and the person making the booking and all members of the party who are part of the booking (referred to as “the Customer, or Your or You”). This contract becomes legally binding once We have sent out a confirmation form and is subject to all booking conditions. UK Law will govern the Contract.
Ensure that You check all information on your booking confirmation carefully and notify us of any discrepancy or mistake.
The party leader must be at least 18 years of age at the time of booking the “Property” (relevant property from the collection available from High Oaks Grange Ltd for which you made a booking). Please ensure all other adults within your party are aware of these booking conditions.


Bookings are CONFIRMED on receipt of a deposit of 25% (minimum £100.00 value) of the rental fee where the booking is made more than 8 weeks before the start of the rental. The balance shall be payable in full 8 weeks before the commencement of the rental. For bookings made less than 8 weeks before the commencement of the rental the total fee is payable.

3. VAT

VAT is included in the rental fee where applicable.


Any cancellation made by the Guest for whatever reason shall be in writing and addressed to High Oaks Grange at the address on the Booking Form or by email from the email address on record. Guests must include the pin number set during the booking process in their correspondence. On receipt of notice of cancellation, attempts will be made to re-let the property by High Oaks Grange for the period of the booking. If re-letting the property is successful for the whole period all the monies paid less an administrative charge of £50.00 (inc VAT) per booking will be refunded. If re-letting the property for part of the period booked is successful, an amount equal to the money paid by the Guest less the rental for the period which is not re-let and an administrative charge of £50.00 (inc VAT) will be refunded.

If it has not been possible to re-let the property at all then all monies paid by the Guest shall be forfeit to High Oaks Grange.

It is strongly recommended that private Travel Insurance is purchased at the time of booking. If you choose not to take out UK travel insurance, then you accept responsibility for any loss that you may incur due to your cancellation.


High Oaks Grange may consider a request from a Guest to change the dates of the booking after confirmation has been issued. Agreement may be given subject to all of the following conditions being met: if the property is available for the period requested, the request is received more than 8 weeks prior to the commencement of the rental; the Guest pays an administration fee of £30.00 (inc VAT) and any additional sums due. 


You should not arrive before 4.00pm on the arrival date and leave by 10.00am on the day of departure. Failure to do so may result in you being charged a further day’s rental. You must not use the property except for the purpose of a holiday during the holiday period, and not for any other purpose or longer period.

The agreement to stay in the property for the holiday period, does not create the relationship of Landlord and Tenant between the parties. You shall not be entitled to a new tenancy, or to any assured short hold or assured tenancy or any statutory protection under the Housing Act 1988 or other statutory security of tenure now or at the end of the Holiday Period. 


7.1 The booking shall be deemed to be for the use of the people whose names appear on the booking form. The number of persons using the Holiday accommodation (except for babies in cots where applicable) shall not exceed the maximum number stated in the property details. Cots are deemed suitable for babies up to 24 months. We reserve the right to refuse admittance if this condition is not observed. 

7.2 The property shall be used for personal and domestic purposes only. The property shall not be used for any commercial purposes without the consent of High Oaks Grange. High Oaks Grange reserves the right to refuse entry to the entire party if this condition is not observed, and generally in the case of any breach of these Booking Conditions by the Guest where High Oaks Grange consider such exclusion is reasonable. 


There must be at least one capable and responsible adult over the age of 18 in every Property.
You are responsible for the full active physical supervision of all members of your party under the age of 18 at all times. This is particularly important around the hot tubs, around High Oaks Grange and in the surrounding fields which have crops as well as livestock. There are specific rules for the use of the hot tubs which are available in Your chosen property.

Parties not supervising their children responsibly may be asked to put appropriate arrangements in place or to leave the relevant facility.


a/ If you want to use the services of a third-party supplier whilst staying at High Oaks Grange, you must ask and receive written permission to do so. This may include, but is not limited to chefs, beauty technicians, babysitters

b/ High Oaks Grange will need a copy of the third-party supplier’s public liability insurance, and any other related/required certification.

c/ If all insurances and certification are satisfactory to High Oaks Grange and our insurers, permission to invite these suppliers to High Oaks Grange will not be unreasonably withheld.

d/ High Oaks Grange does not accept liability for the activities of these third-party suppliers. If you bring a third-party supplier to High Oaks Grange without consent, we reserve the right to ask them to leave.


Every effort has been made to ensure that you have an enjoyable stay. However, if you have any problem or cause for complaint, it is essential that you contact us immediately to give us the chance to resolve it. We value your custom and want you to return. In case of serious problems, the complaint must be confirmed in writing within 7 days of departure. 


11.1 You are responsible for the property and are expected to take all reasonable care of its furniture, decorative items, fittings and effects, in or on the property. You must leave them in the same state of repair, and a reasonable clean and tidy condition at the end of the rental period. You shall abide by all instructions concerning the use of the property and its fixtures and fittings as notified by High Oaks Grange.

11.2 You must not use the properties for any dangerous, offensive, noxious, noisy, illegal or immoral activities or carry on there any act that may be a nuisance or annoyance to the owner or other neighbouring properties. Smoking, vaping and candles are not allowed in any of the properties. If smoking is detected in the building, we reserve the right to ask You to leave even if Your let is not complete and a charge for cleaning will be levied. Any damages will have to be paid for in full within seven days of notification. We recommend that you have insurance in place to cover this.

11.3 You shall take care not to leave personal possessions in Property on departure. High Oaks Grange will make every effort to return high value items provided that the Guest notifies High Oaks Grange within 24 hours of departure. High Oaks Grange accepts no responsibility for personal possessions left in the property following departure.


You are legally bound to reimburse us for replacement, repair or extra cleaning costs on demand. If damage occurs to the Property as a result of the actions of Guests during the stay, where the extent of that damage is so severe that the Owner must (in their sole opinion) cancel and/or refund subsequent bookings, the Owner may bring a claim against you for any loss arising as a result, including the cost of refunding other guests affected by cancelled Bookings and any additional administrative fees incurred in respect of the same.

13. KEYS

You will be issued with a set of keys to the holiday property at the commencement date. You must return the key as directed by staff of High Oaks Grange. If you lose a key, High Oaks Grange will replace it – you will be expected to pay reasonable costs to have a replacement key cut, the lock replaced and any costs involved with this action including labour and delivery charges.


We shall be allowed the right of entry to the property at all reasonable times for purposes of inspection or to carry out any necessary repairs or maintenance. A representative of High Oaks Grange shall consult the guest prior to entering the property.


We reserve the right to collect a debit or credit card payment prior to your stay. This is in respect of us needing to charge for any substantial damage, loss of contents to the property or any additional costs incurred during your stay. This does not include normal wear and tear and minor incidentals. If a damage security deposit is collected, it will be refunded in full once the property has been checked by our team on your departure. Receipts and invoices will be made available should any damage payments be retained


1/ Electric Vehicle charging is not permitted. Please speak to a representative of High Oaks Grange to locate the nearest charging points.

2/ Under no circumstances are you to bring large electrical appliances to High Oaks Grange without explicit written permission. This includes air conditioning units. Guest appliances have not been PAT tested and could invalidate our insurance. We will levy a charge if we find they have been operating without consent.

3/ To protect our neighbours and local surroundings, Fireworks, Chinese Lanterns, Open Fires and Firepits are explicitly forbidden at High Oaks Grange.

4/ Whilst reasonable numbers of visiting guests are allowed, additional overnight guests are not. Occupancy limits are clear on the website. This could invalidate our insurance.

5/ Drones are not allowed to be flown at High Oaks Grange. 


High Oaks Grange, its employees and representatives shall not be liable to you or your party for loss or damage to property howsoever arising. You must take all necessary steps to safeguard yourselves and your property.

18. PETS 

Dogs are welcome in most, but not all our properties. Woodpecker Lodge is kept dog free. No pets other than dogs are permitted. Dogs are to be properly controlled and supervised at all times. They must not be left unattended at the property. Dogs are not permitted in any of the bedrooms or on any of the furniture and we therefore advise guests to bring a pet basket and blankets.

We do not accept breeds or crossbreeds listed on the Dangerous Dogs Act (Pit Bull Terrier, Japanese Tosa, Dogo Argentino, Fila Brasileiro and XL Bully)

Guests must clean up after all dogs inside and outside of the property, or they will be charged for extra cleaning costs. Guests with allergies should be aware that we cannot guarantee that there have been no dogs previously kept at the property, nor can we accept any liability for any suffering which may occur as a result of such pets having been present. An extra charge of £8.00 per dog per night is applicable.

Maximum number of dogs are as follows: The Grange - 4 dogs. All lodges and cottages - 3 dogs. All glamping pods - 2 dogs. 


For the enjoyment of all guests staying at High Oaks Grange, noise should be kept to a minimum between 10.30pm and 8.00am. 


See our Privacy Policy here Privacy Policy - High Oaks Grange
See our Cookie Policy here Cookies Policy - High Oaks Grange


21.1 The following provisions set out the entire liability of High Oaks Grange (including any liability for the acts or omissions of its employees, agents and subcontractors) to the Guest in respect of: (1) any breach of these Booking Conditions; and (2) any representation, statement or tortuous act or omission including negligence arising under or in connection with the Contract.

21.2 All warranties, conditions and other terms implied by statute or common law are, to the fullest extent permitted by law, excluded from the Contract. 

21.3 Subject to clauses 21.2 and 21.3: (1) High Oaks Grange total liability in contract, tort (including negligence or breach of statutory duty), misrepresentation or otherwise, arising in connection with the performance of the Contract shall be limited to a sum equal to three times the rental fee; and (2) High Oaks Grange shall not be liable to the Guest for any type of indirect or consequential loss or damage, costs, expenses or other claims for consequential compensation whatsoever (however so caused) which arise out of or in connection with the Contract. Save for any rights under these Conditions and the Contract which may be exercised by High Oaks Grange, no term of the Contract is enforceable under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 by a person who is not a party to the Contract. Without prejudice to the foregoing, if the property which the Guest has booked becomes unavailable or un-useable for some reason prior to the date of booking, then High Oaks Grange obligation will be to (1) use their best endeavour to find a suitable alternative property, or failing which (2) to reimburse the Guest for any monies paid. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Contract, neither High Oaks Grange nor the Owner shall jointly or individually be deemed to be in breach of this Contract or otherwise be liable to the Guest, for any delay in performance or the non-performance of any of their respective obligations under this Contract, to the extent that the delay or non- performance is due to any act or circumstance beyond their reasonable control, and the time for performance of that obligation shall be extended accordingly. 

21.4 Force Majeure, of the nature of which this clause is intended to cover, includes without limitation fire, flood, exceptional weather conditions, epidemics, pandemics, war, civil war, invasion of foreign enemies, war-like activities (whether or not there is an actual declaration of war), rebellion, insurrection, civil commotion arising to the level of uprising, military or usurped power; acts of terrorism committed for political, religious, ideological, or similar purposes; actions intended to prevent any of the above and damage of the Property by any cause other than negligence of the Owner or High Oaks Grange, and all similar situations. No compensation, costs, expenses or other sums of any description (including without limitation the cost of securing an alternative property/accommodation) will be payable in such circumstances by either the Owner or High Oaks Grange to the Guest.


High Oaks Grange does not warrant and is not responsible for the accuracy of any verbal information given or statements made by its employees, agents or the owners of the properties. 


High Oaks Grange may from time to time offer discounted rates for last minute bookings, these offers apply to new bookings only for the dates specified on the offer and cannot be used in conjunction with any other discount. Any disputes are at the discretion of High Oaks Grange.

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What are cookies?

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How do we use cookies?

Cookies are also used on this website to enhance your website experience, providing you with content that is more relevant to what we believe you are interested. Unless cleared, cookies can remain on your device for up to 2 years from the date it was last refreshed.


“What we believe you are interested in” is based on the content you have visited previously, any previous bookings you may have made with us, and the number of times in which you visit certain content on the website.


Furthermore, if you submit an email address to us via our website, we may combine this information with your website cookie information to help us identify your perceived interests. This information may then be used to send you relevant information by email.


All cookies are anonymous and do not identify you by name unless you submit that information via our website, be that via an enquiry form or booking.


We may use this information to personalise the text, images or design of the website to be more relevant to your perceived interests.


What Cookies do we use?

This website uses both Advertising Cookies and Analytics Cookies.


Advertising Cookies are used to deliver advertisements that are more relevant to you and your interests. They are also used to limit the number of times you see an advertisement as well as help measure the effectiveness of the advertising campaign. They remember that you have visited a website and this means after you have been to our site you may see some advertisements about our services elsewhere on the Internet.


Analytics Cookies collect information about how people are using our website, for example which pages are visited the most often, how people are moving from one link to another and if they get error messages from certain pages. These cookies don’t gather information that identifies you. All information these cookies collect is grouped together with information from other people’s use of our site on an anonymous basis. Overall, these cookies provide us with analytical information about how our site is performing and how we can improve it.


Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google Ireland Limited (‘Google’). The information generated by the cookies about your use of the website and your current IP address will be transmitted by your browser to and will be stored by Google on servers in the United States and other countries. You can find out more about Google Analytics Cookie Usage on Websites here >


Google Analytics keeps this data for 26 months before being deleted. Should you revisit our website again your cookie will be ‘renewed’ and it will be a further 26 months before the cookie is automatically deleted from your device.


You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser, however please note that if you do this you may not be able to use the full functionality of this website.


Cookies and their use for advertising on third party websites.


Cookies can also be used to place adverts on third party websites advertising High Oaks Grange and any of its sister companies. These adverts may be tailored to you based on your previous visits to


Who controls and access the cookie-related information?

Both High Oaks Grange Ltd and our third party website company have access to, and control the cookie-related information.


How to control cookies

You can control and/or delete cookies as you wish – for details, see You can delete all cookies that are already on your computer and you can set most browsers to prevent them from being placed. If you do this, however, you may have to manually adjust some preferences every time you visit a site and some services and functionalities may not work.


You can manually delete cookie files already stored on your computer. For example, here’s how you can delete cookies from your browser if you use Internet Explorer.


In your browser’s settings you will also find control features to accept or reject cookies requested from our website and third party sites.


Cookies will not be used for any purpose other than those stated above.

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